Wednesday, November 26, 2008

world under siege?

A few hours back Mumbai was attacked by the terrorists in one the deadliest and ghastliest terrorist incidents in Indian history...foreigners held hostages..innocent civilians killed in randoom notch hotels burning in chaos and helplessness prevailing everywhere...with cops and army and firemen putting their own lives in jeopardy to save people...
I was shocked,stunned and stupefied beyond words...sitting far away from the homeland..and getting such news on international channels..makes us feel so helpless and hopelessly in despair...
what's the world coming down to? Just when I was getting tired of reading endless news about unemployment rates soaring everywhere and people losing jobs rampantly and next year predicted to be even comes even worse news from my own country about lives being taken and the financial center of the country being held seige by a bunch of mindless, horrifying,murderers or terrorists..whtever they are called..I wish I had more severe adjectives but my mind is just blocked with anger and frustration and shock right now...
What do you do when you are caught in this kind of a situation of borderline anarchy wherein there is no safety whatsoever of your life even when you are living in a time where technology and science have progressed by leaps and bounds and countrie have become financially sound and human race as a whole is supposed to have become more educated and civilized? but are we any better of than the stone age people or worse..animals..who keep killing each other? only difference being that humans know how to apply their minds! yes right..apply our minds to do what? kill fellow humans? and for what? in the name of religion? stupid hypocritical beliefs? faith? what does that even mean?
noone in any country is safe in today's world...coz anywhere anyone can be attacked not by robbers or rapists but by terrorists...a bunch of people who themselves have lost their sanity and have no respect for anyone else,forget about respect for themselves. And these people claim that they respect their religion?
A world which also gave birth to peace leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa,Nelson now witnessing world war III-not between any 2 groups but everyone against everyone! But for what? to gain supremacy? over whom? the muslims want to rule the world? no right..coz they themselves are torn apart by their ideals in Iraq, Iran and the entire middle east.
What do they really want? (I concentrate on the muslims here coz there's been widespread evidence that this one religious group is repsonsible for so many terrorist attacks worldwide).
In my linited knowledge, this is beyond me.
All I know is that the world is becoming less and less a safe place to live in. and we ourselves are responsible for this. What kind of a world are we really leaving behind for our next generation? One which is fraught with conflicts and wars and killings and bloodshed, even when there's apparent progress on the surface?
Throughout my years of growing up, I would hear bout the riots at Ayodhya, Bombay, Calcutta-what has changed even when I am grown up? Nothing! What will change when my kids are born? Maybe things will worsen...with countries getting nuke power and so much of under hand dealings going on in trillions of dollars in arms and ammunitions..who is innocent in this fierce war? Maybe no one..but setting aside the blame game..why can't we for once be happy and peaceful with what we have? Why this non-stop ferocious greed to conquer more?
This greed has gotten the better of us financial's most powerful country is now under the most severe financial distress just coz of sheer greed..the rest of the world is reeling under the pressures too...everywhere there's so much of get more and more and more...why? I understand you need a certain amount of greed perhaps to succeed in need to want something...but when did it cross the limits and reach an extent whereby it was no more manageable?
All I hope is that someday somehow in future..some miracle happens and this world actually becomes a better place to live in..for everyone..from Somalia and Sudan to Chile and Venezuela to Ohio and Detroit to Iceland and Ukraine to Iran and Israel to Pakistan and Bangkok, to Tibet and Indonesia...a safer place to breathe and enjoy life...with no fear. Hope it is less complicated than what it seems now.