Tuesday, July 8, 2008

endless pursuit....

almost everyone around that you meet every day or pass by on the road as strangers seems to be running in an endless tireless pursuit of something..what is it? better life,more money,continuous promotions,steady relationships,successful career,happy marriage,better than the Joneses..which one or altogether?some say they are following their dreams..some say it's their passion..some believe it's destiny...but everyone is running...non-stop..morning to night...to survive.
does this bring happiness?is this the essence of life? being born in some family..in some country..and then the day one comes into senses (or rather loses senses)..the race begins...doesn't stop till the very last day..is this how the journey is supposed to be?a feeling of competition and ambition even in relaxation and recreation..a mental calculation of what one gets and what one does not get even in the most loving relationships..a fight to keep up with the expectations of even those who were responsible of bringing one to this world...a continuous struggle to fulfill a never ending list of aspirations..and yet feel something is missing and something can be done better..and yet feel let down and dissatisfied..
it's silly to ever stop and give up....coz then one is left behind in the race...so keep trying...and keep on going...never feel tired...coz then one will be considered a failure...it's like a vicious circle..a trap..one common trap that binds us all...irrespective of nationalities...religions...castes,creed,sex,age,color...we are all running...those who admit and those who don't...those who are super ambitious and those who think they have moved away from the race and hence can write motivational books from which the others quote lines during times of despair...every one is a part of this race where we are constantly proving something..how and when did the entire human race get into this trap?

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